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  1. Down a nondescript hallway, Fenneko scampered after her hyena and panda pals. "I still can't believe you booked a love hotel."

    Purse slung over one shoulder, Retsuko fidgeted with the room key. She had a cute little skirt on, with a matching blouse. "It was your idea."

    Haida trooped along, carrying their luggage. "Yeah, safety manager. You're awfully willing to tag along."

    "I bet it's the death metal suite." The fox chuckled and tried not to let her anxiety show. "Chains everywhere. Headboard looks like a demon. Alarm clock is a laughing skull. Waterbed full of fake blood."

    He shrugged under the weight of three suitcases. "How would we even know if a waterbed was full of blood?"

    "I bet it's transparent." The fennec searched for possible examples on her phone. "Maybe with a light under it that looks like hellfire."

    Haida cast a concerned look down at the fiery contents of her phone screen. "That…doesn't sound very romantic."

    "It's what Retsuko's into. Don't judge her for her sex dungeon." The sandy-furred female waved a finger at him. "I'm sure she got you a spiked collar."

    He shrugged in his studded leather jacket. "At least I'm getting something punk out of the deal."

    "And a leash." Fenneko, being short, elbowed him in the hip.

    He scratched his chin. "I'm not sure if leashes are punk or not."

    "Guys, it's not a death metal room." Retsuko sighed. "It's just nice."

    They came to a door marked "Washitsu Suite." The panda plugged in her room key, waited for an electronic chirp, then turned the door handle.

    Rice-stalk tatami mats covered the floor. A kotatsu table stood in the center of the room, ringed by plush quilt skirting. Paper sliding doors broke up the room, presently slid to obscure the balcony. Faint light and shadow played across the paper surface, with muted sound from street level only audible over the drawn-out tones of minimalist stringed instrument arrangements. To one side of the room, a massive bed sprawled.

    "Whoa." Haida gave a slow nod of approval. "Nice."

    As the door glided closed behind them, Fenneko took off her shoes and stepped onto the raised area covered by the mats. She considered the room with a slow spin, then smirked at her surroundings. "This is super tasteful for a sex room."

    With a little laugh, the spotted hyena set down their luggage and put an arm around his girlfriend. "Good job, Retsuko."

    "Thanks." The red panda squeezed his hand. She leaned against the lanky male with a fond fluff of her tail.

    He leaned down and touched his nose to hers. She stretched up on her tiptoes to deliver a quick kiss to his lips. Straightening, he chuckled and blushed at the unexpected smooch.

    Watching from arm's length, the fennec snickered and flicked her tail. "You guys are crazy adorable." A quick hop carried her onto the king-size bed. High thread-count sheets swept under her paw pads.

    With a final grip of her boyfriend's hand, Retsuko pranced out of her shoes and scrambled onto the bed after her.

    "So Fenneko." Still standing in the entryway, he leaned against the wall like a cool, casual guy. It worked reasonably well, given that he wearing a black leather jacket and posed between two wall scrolls of delicate nature scenes. "Level with me. What's this all about?"

    Her eyebrows rose. "What's that mean?"

    "You." Rolling his eyes, he tipped both hands at her. "Why are you here?"

    "Safety manager." Fenneko directed traffic with invisible traffic batons. "I'll start wearing the badge once it comes in."

    He waved the joke away. "Forget the comedy sketch for a second, will ya? You're way past the point of just being helpful. You're doing all this sex stuff with us because you're into it."

    "Yep. That's me." The vixen wore a perfect poker face, though her tail flicked a tell. "Kinky fox office lady."

    "Fenneko, you're really pretty and smart." The panda patted her knee. "You could be with anybody. I think what Haida is trying to say is that you're with us because you like us."

    "Hahahahahahaha, of course I like you." Her ears flicked back, framing her nervous smile. "We're pals. Buddies. Amigos."

    "Amigoin' down on each other, maybe." Crossing his arms, the hyena cast a suave look between both ladies.

    Retsuko groaned, though she did smile a little. "Oh Haida."

    The vixen flipped a paw toward him and shook her head. "That was terrible. Let's all talk about how terrible that was instead of whatever we were talking about."

    "Ugh." Tail drooping, Haida ran a hand down his face. "Just tell us how you feel already!"

    The fennec poked a finger at him. "You're the one who took five years to admit you liked a girl."

    "With you constantly trying to help get us together. You hated the idea of Retsuko dating anybody else just as much as I did. What's up with that?"

    "Maybe I'm just a sap, okay?" She turned her phone over in her hands. "I want my friends to be happy."

    "You? A sap?" Haida cast her a sidelong glance. "You're the sassiest person I know."

    "Just because Fenneko can be a little guarded doesn't mean she's not a romantic on the inside." Retsuko turned to her friend with an earnest smile. "Right?"

    "R-right." The tan fox rubbed the scruff her her neck. "No big deal."

    "And it's totally understandable she would open up with the people she trusts." Retsuko touched the fennec's shoulder with a soft, fuzzy hand.

    "Yeah, that only makes sense." The vixen's dark eyes darted back and forth, though she made no move to escape the panda's touch.

    "So really, we just want to make sure you're on the same page as us." The red panda scooted just a tiny bit closer on the bed. "Because the page we're on has us really liking how this is going."

    "We talked about it a lot and we both really, really like you." The hyena shrugged into a warm, toothy smile.

    Retsuko squeezed her friend's shoulder with gentle reassurance. "We just want you to know you can be honest about liking us back."

    Fenneko's gaze flicked between them. Still seated on the bed, she curled up until her muzzle buried into her knees. "That's pretty cool of you guys."

    "Yeah, we're pretty cool alright." Casting his gaze across the room, Haida tried to be smooth about untucking his band shirt, which had gotten halfway tucked in his pants "You must be pretty cool too, if you're talking like this with us."

    Fenneko gave a tiny nod, ears pinned back far enough to touch her shoulders. They glowed with a faint pink flush. Her tail curled across her ankles, making her appear even smaller than usual.

    A fluffy red panda tail slipped around the blushing fox. "You, umm, don't have to tell us right away how you feel. I know all this is pretty weird."

    Ideas bounced through her brain like pachinko machine. What was she doing here? Had she taken this too far? Or did she want it to go down like this? Why'd Haida have to mention them going down on each other? Wasn't she supposed to be the one teasing them? Why was she this flustered? They weren't doing anything. Even though they were in the sexist place they could find. A single sharp yap of amusement escaped the fennec.

    In an instant, the entire length of Retsuko's tail poofed to full fluffiness.

    Eyes narrowed, mouth open, Haida raised a palm. "What the heck was that?"

    "Sorry, sorry. I just had a weird thought." Fenneko covered her muzzle to prevent any further laughter. "What if someone walks down the hallway and hears us?"

    Haida's ears popped up, then he smirked. "Heh. Hears us not having sex?"

    Retsuko smoothed the fur of her tail. "I mean, they'll probably just think it's our fetish."

    "Wow." The hyena got a distant look. "We're so kinky that we're checked into a love hotel and not even doing sex stuff at all."

    Fenneko nodded. "We're the ultimate pervs. Speaking of: Retsuko, did you bring your sex toys? It's only fair. I showed you guys mine…"

    "Umm, well, yeah…" She leaned off the bed, teetered for a moment on the verge of falling on her face, then managed to extract a pink cardboard box from her luggage.

    Fenneko sat cross-legged on the bed, next to the panda. Her tan tail flicked back and forth.

    Her hyena boyfriend leaned against the wall, feigning a cool disinterest.

    "So yeah!" The panda popped open an innocent-looking cardboard box. Several pink or sparkly objects waited within. "This is what I've got."

    The tan-furred fox smirked and pointed at what looked like an amethyst chess pawn. "I had no idea you were so kinky, Retsuko."

    "It's just a buttplug. It's nice to feel full. And it's sort of cute." Retsuko clutched the sparkly pink box protectively. "And you have way more sex toys than this!"

    The fox patted her friend's thigh. "I'm messing with you. It's super cute. It looks like a video game artifact." She held the glass object up to the light.

    "Holy smokes!" Peering down into the collection, Haida yapped a shocked laugh and pointed into the box. "What is that? An industrial-grade paint mixer?"

    Her white triangular ears flicked down, the panda offered him an unsure glance. "This? It's just a vibrator."

    With a chuckle, Fenneko crossed her arms. "Don't be a prude, Haida."

    "I'm not! I was just expecting a cute little egg one." The hyena shrugged, trying to play it cool. "It's kind of hot that you have a high-power super vibrator."

    "It's a Hitachi Magic Wand." The vixen flicked her hand open at him. "It's only the most famous vibrator in the world."

    "I'm a guy!" His ears shot up. "Why would I know about that?"

    The fennec scoffed. "Because girls like vibes and you want to get with girls."

    "You might like it, Haida." Retsuko pulled the plug-in device from the box and toyed with the business end. "I heard guys sometimes like them."

    The fox elbowed him. "You definitely, since you're into all this butt stuff."

    "Nope! No way!" He shook his head and made various referee gestures. "You're not putting that giant vibrator up my butt!"

    "It doesn't go up your butt. It goes under your balls." The vixen's eyebrows rose in amusement. "Trust your safety manager."

    The hyena sat back with a pouty expression. "Look, I'm new to all this, okay?"

    "Of course, if you want stuff up your butt, we'll start small." Fenneko brandished the buttplug at him like a mystical talisman.

    The hyena gave a nervous laugh. "What else is in this treasure chest?"

    The panda rolled the box's contents back and forth. "Just a normal dildo and some lube."

    "Heh." Fenneko snatched the small clear container. "I thought you didn't usually need lube."

    The fluffier female rubbed the scruff of her neck. "Not really."

    "So what's up with this brand new bottle that happens to be the exact brand I mentioned?"

    "Ummm…" The panda blushed. "Well, it's polite to consider what your guests need."

    "Aww, you went into a sex shop just for me?" The fox's eyes narrowed in amusement. "I bet you were super embarrassed."

    "I bought it online." The panda managed half a smile. "But yeah, it took me about half an hour to click 'buy,' since I knew it wasn't just for me."

    "There are, like, five kinds of condoms in the nightstand." He held up something the size of a single-serve sauce packet. "Look at these tiny portions of lube."

    The canid lashed her tan tail. "Perfect for sliding one dildo up one hyena's butt."

    He sighed. "Okay, I don't have to be the butt of every joke when you're the one constantly bringing them up."

    "Don't be sore, Haida." Fenneko shook her head. "That's not what the lube would want."

    Retsuko leaned to examine the packet. "It's strawberry? Why does it have a flavor?"

    The vixen's eyes narrowed in amusement. "In case you go down on a girl after using a toy on her."

    The panda sat up straight and blushed, tail fluffed.

    "What's the matter, Retsuko?" Her fennec friend gave her a coy glance. "Feeling shy about having Haida go down on you?"

    The hyena sputtered and dropped the foil packet to the floor. He bent to grab it, his cute and spotty tail raised for all to see.

    "Well, not that exactly." With a nervous chuckle, the red-furred female ran a paw over her fuzzy ears. "From what we've seen, you're the one who'd need the lube a little more, so I was thinking it would be you we would… umm…"

    Haida dropped the lube packet again and this time kept watching the girls with silent interest instead of picking it up.

    The fennec's ample ears shot straight up. A faint blush crept into their pink insides. "Hahahaha, you're funny, Retsuko."

    The scruffy hyena groaned and rolled his eyes.

    The lull in the conversation would've been awkward, but the delicate strains of string instruments towed the moment back to something sophisticated and romantic.

    "So, umm…" Still seated on the bed, Retusko rubbed the back of her head. "What do we do now?"

    "Heh." He toyed with the collar of his jacket, giving the far corner of the room a shy glance. "Whatever you wanna do is cool."

    Fenneko made a slow-motion karate chop in his direction. "Take off your pants, Haida."

    He looked to her in mild disbelief. "You're not even going to pretend to be subtle about this?"

    "You're in a love hotel. Pants aren't part of the dress code." Fenneko crossed her arms. "Have you ever regretted me telling you to take your pants off?"

    He grumbled and started unbuckling his studded belt. Under the weight of decorative metal, his pants fell to his ankles. Still griping, he bent over and untied his shoelaces. Butt propped against the wall, he managed to hop out of his shoes and kick out of his pants.

    Fenneko sat back with a smug flick of her tail. "Okay, now jack it."

    He looked up from pulling off a sock. "Excuse me?!"

    "Take off your jacket, Haida." The fox smirked, daring him to call her on the wordplay. "You'll get to 'jack it' later."

    "Ha ha. Very funny." He shrugged out of his black leather coat. Once he dropped it, he stood before them in just boxers and a shirt, his arms spread. "Happy now?"

    "I am." Ankles crossed, Retsuko raised a paw and looked up at him with a sweet smile.

    The hyena blushed. "Oh. That's good."

    She cast a slidelong glance at the fennec. "Should I undress too?"

    "If you want." Tan hands turning the phone over, the canid took a deep breath and kept up a cool facade. "Your clothes don't have any metal protrusions."

    The panda nodded. She unbuttoned her blouse and wiggled out of it. Next, she unzipped the side of her skirt and pulled it off with a little bounce on the edge of the bed. Running a hand up her arm, she considered her near-naked boyfriend. In one bashful motion, she gripped the bottom of her cami and pulled it over her head. As she pulled the garment off her head, her tufted ears popped back up one at a time. She sat, small, at the edge of the bed. Only pink panties and a bra one shade of blue away from white separated her from nudity. With a determined little huff, she set about folding her clothes and stacking them on the nightstand.

    Ears up, chin tipped back, Haida watched with interest.

    Fenneko got to her feet and started pulling off her clothes: sweater, shirt, jeans, socks. Unlike the panda, she just draped them over one carved post of the gigantic Western-style bed.

    His eyebrows rose at the fennec as she stripped.

    "What?" The fennec shrugged, shuffling bare paws on the tatami mats. "It'd be super awkward if I was the only one wearing clothes."

    He gave her an incredulous smirk. "Uh-huh."

    "Are you complaining about seeing us in our underwear?" Staring him straight in the eyes, Fenneko unclasped her bra, held it out to one side, and let it drop. The embarrassment at being almost naked was totally worth seeing his reaction.

    He stood up so straight a little gap appeared between his shirt and boxers. His ears perked up even straighter. "No, that part's cool."

    With a dainty little bounce, Retsuko scooted back on the bed to sit on her legs. Muzzle weighed down by a blush, she smoothed the fur of her tail. Now and then, her dark eyes darted up to her boyfriend and friend.

    "Okay." Haida also snuck little glances at the vixen when he thought he could get away with it. His looks at Retsuko lasted longer, but still ended with him switching to staring very intently at a vase or something. "What now?"

    "We ride this bus to Smoochville." Fenneko put a paw on the other girl's shoulder and eased her back onto the bed.

    "Oh! Okay." The red panda lay on her back without a fuss, though she had to rearrange her legs and tail to get comfy. "Smooching is nice."

    "You heard the lady, Haida." The canid jerked her thumb at her. "She needs some kisses."

    With a sigh, he climbed on top of her. His lanky and scruffy body easily covered her slightly plump form. "So we just kiss and stuff?"

    "Yep." Fenneko winked and pointed a finger at him. "Let's see your best 'and stuff.'"

    "Jeez." He rolled his eyes. "No pressure."

    The fluffy female under him traced a gentle paw along his flank. "I like your 'and stuff.'"

    After a quick smile, he leaned in gave her an equally quick kiss. She ensnared him with a nuzzle. The kisses got slower, deeper. Before long, any space between their bodies vanished.

    "Nice." Watching, She set her teeth on her knuckle. "Put your knee between her thighs."

    He glanced at the fox with confusion. "My knee?"

    Wearing a sly smile, she cocked an eyebrow at him. "Just trust me."

    "Okay…" Careful to avoid her tail, he set his leg between hers. "Like this?"

    "Yeah." She gripped his bare thigh and shifted it to the panda's crotch. "Press up."

    The red panda pressed two fuzzy hands to her muzzle. A murmured simper escaped her.

    "See?" Fenneko spread her hands. "Now she can grind on you while you kiss."

    The soft sound of smooches filled the gaps between the muted musical notes. Retsuko's hips started moving against his leg, subtle at first, but getting more vigorous with every passing kiss and nuzzle.

    The vulpine nodded in approval. "Hey Retsuko: put those paws to work under his shirt."

    "O-okay." With a brave little look, she rubbed her brown furred paws under his faded band t-shirt.

    "Pro tip, Haida." The fox put on her best professorial tone. "When a girl slips her hands under your shirt, it means she wants you to take it off."

    The hyena looked up from nuzzling the panda's shoulder. "You told her to do it."

    Retsuko traced her hands up his back, caressing his shoulder blades under the cotton fabric. "You can take your shirt off, if you want to. I mean, I want you to."

    "Heh, okay." Sitting up, he pulled the garment over his head.

    The fox cast her a conspiratorial glance. "Do you like how he looks in just his boxers?"

    She looked her boyfriend over and nodded. "Mmhm."

    "Look at that hard-on you're giving him." She tugged at the leg of Haida's undies to draw the outline of his junk into more obvious relief. "I think he likes having you under him."

    "Heh, yeah." Ignoring the hand pulling on his boxers, Haida ran a hand down the scruff of his neck. "I really do."

    The vixen let a little growl slip into her voice. "Do you like how he feels on you?"

    "Mmmhmm." Perhaps subconsciously, Retsuko rocked her hips against his knee. A faint wetness darkened her panties.

    Tracing fingertips along the very edge of her hip, the fennec leaned to whisper in her friend's ear. "Getting turned on?"

    With a tiny squeak, her ringed tail fluffed against the bed. "Yes?"

    "It's okay, Retsuko. You're going to want to be nice and wet for the next part." Taking hold of the pandas fingers, she guided them under the waistband of her panties. "Not to mention sensitive."

    With a glance to the side, Retsuko started to move her hand under the thin fabric. As she masturbated, her ears flicked back, only to rise back up as she lost herself in the pleasure. The sound of her efforts went from the whisper of fur under fabric to the slick of wet fingers on flesh. She gasped. Tension ripped through her. A little squeak accompanied her rump rising off the sheets for a second as she rode through a climax, before settling back down with a blissful chirp.

    Haida watched with undivided interest. The hard length in his underpants poked far enough down one leg for the very tip of his dick to seen.

    Tracing her teeth over her bottom lip, Fenneko squirmed. "Heh, that was quick."

    Panting, the fluffier girl nodded, eyes closed. "Mmhm…" Her modest chest rose and fell. That striped tail lay flat on the bed, for once not moving.

    "Want to take off your panties…" The vixen hooked a claw into the delicate waistband of the pink underwear. "….and put that cute little butt in the air for him? I bet he'd be happy to find a place for that hard dick of his."

    With a small huff of resolve, Retsuko shimmied out of her panties and rolled to her knees. Now clad in nothing but a bra, she nuzzled her blushing face into a pillow, even as her striped tail flicked high in the air.

    Kneeling behind her, Haida lifted his ears at the view. "Umm…" He lifted his muzzle at the nightstand. "Do we need a condom?"

    "Only if you're into that. Or secretly a panda." Fenneko shrugged. "Not like you guys are going to catch anything or get her knocked up."

    "Right." The hyena nodded.

    The slimmer female slipped out of her own panties. As she rolled back to sitting, she turned them over, waistband stretched between her thumbs. With a soft spring of elastic, she sent them sailing past Haida's nose.

    The male blinked in surprise as underwear flew past him. His blush darkened a few shades. Then he looked to the fox with mild disbelief.

    The vixen drummed her tail on the bed and gave him a sultry look. "Might want to lose to those boxers, Haida."

    With a roll of his eyes, he set about wrestling his boxers past his boner. After a brief struggle, he rolled onto his back to fight free of them. His dick sprung free and slapped against the fur of his stomach as he kicked the underwear to the floor. Only then did he manage to get back on his knees.

    Fenneko sidled up beside her friend on the bed and watched the show. She let her hands trace over the silky fur of the panda's shoulders and back, then onto her rump. Knowing she was teasing him kept her from thinking too hard about how she was touching some other girl's cute butt. "Check it out. You made her super wet."

    "Whoa." He stroked his stiff dick as he glanced up to investigate her claims. He tugged his foreskin back and forth over the head, now and then leaving it tucked behind the ridge so he could trace a thumb across it with a feather touch. His other hand rubbed idly under his balls. Maybe the comment about using the vibe had him thinking.

    Fenneko patted the soft fur of the panda's thigh. "You sure you're ready?"

    Looking between her two companions, Retsuko dipped her ears and hugged her tail. "I-I think so."

    "Cool. We're going to keep it simple." The canid guided her friend forward onto the mattress. "Hands and knees. Tail up and out of the way. Give that boy a nice view."

    The fluffier female took her advice. The bed creaked just faintly under her small frame as she got into position before him, presenting herself to the tall, scrawny office worker.

    "Heh. That is pretty nice." The hyena ran a paw over the scruffy ridge of fluff. His stiff pink dick throbbed in front of him. "The view, I mean. And your butt. And everything else."

    "What're you doing?" Fenneko smirked, tail flicking back and forth. "Don't keep the lady waiting."

    He climbed over her much smaller form. Growling with lust, he ground his hips up against hers, his boner rubbing along her slit. That blunt tip bumped her entrance again and again, only to glance off.

    For her part, the panda squirmed under him and tilted her hips this way and that. She squeaked in frustrated desire with each attempt. Her fluffy body shifted around as she tried to help him penetrate her.

    "Hmm." The fox knelt beside them and bent down to examine the situation. "This might call for some lube."

    Gritting his teeth, Haida thrust in slow motion again. The bared head of his cock pressed a little ways into her fuzzy entrance, bending a tiny bit with the force of his desire to be inside her, only to slip forward again and bob in the air. "Umf!"

    Retsuko peered under her breasts to watch the action. "We do have the kind you like in the box over there." Her tail curled around his waist as she set her knees wider and tried arching her back just a little more for him. Her tone got more flustered, as if she'd realized just what she was talking about. "O-or that strawberry stuff in the nightstand."

    "We'd better see what the original flavor is like first." The vixen reached between them and took hold of the hyena's cock. "Back up, Haida."

    He moaned at her touch, then looked back. "What? Why?"

    "Just do it." She patted his butt with reassurance. "I have an idea."

    "Oh. Okay." His ears flicked down with uncertainty. Still on his knees and leaning on Retsuko's hips, he shuffled back. "Like that?"

    "Perfect." The fox didn't slow down enough to second guess what she was about to do. These guys cared about her and she trusted them one hundred percent. More than that, she wanted them to feel good. They were super sweet and deserved to be happy. She rolled to her back and squirmed under Retusko. The scent of arousal hung heavy in the air, impossible to ignore so close to the sources.

    The hyena chuckled, tail dipping. "Umm, Fenneko, whatcha up to down there—ooooohhhh..."

    In a single burst of bravery, the fennec leaned up and closed her lips around his dick. The dry, hot girth filled her muzzle. Extra care kept her teeth well clear of his sensitive flesh. Her tongue explored the contours of his cock head.

    The red panda watched in wonder as her friend sucked her boyfriend's dick. "Whoa."

    "Aaaahhhhh..." His dick pulsed a little bigger in her muzzle. "I take back everything I said about you being our safety manager."

    Her every lick and suck elicited a whimper or moan from the panting male. She could see the appeal in this. One hand reached up to cup his balls, rolling them this way and that. Having a dick in her mouth was actually fun. He tasted pretty okay, sort of salty with a hint of horniness. Her mile-a-minute brain reminded her that she was also tasting Retsuko, since he'd been sliding this thing all over her cute little slit. The thought sent her heart skipping and a hand to the bottom of her panties.

    Time crawled by, marked only by the bob of her head. Her lips eased the skin of his dick back and forth along the shaft, bunching it up a little here and there. Above her, Haida grunted. In her mouth, he twitched. A fresh hint of saltiness teased across the fennec's tongue.

    As much fun as she was having sucking the guy's cock, she figured it would be greedy to make him come like this while his cute little girlfriend waited. So she pulled off, leaving him with what she hoped was ample saliva for the task at hand. Now she just had to help out the panda.

    Retsuko emitted an adorable chirp of surprise as her lips got parted by fennec fingers. A faint but lewd wet sound made her whiskers pop straight out.

    Fenneko smirked and lined up that spit-slick dick with her coworker's slit. Her vulpine tail whipped back and forth with excitement across the bed. With the hyena just a little bit too far away, she rubbed his cock head against those adorable pink inner folds.

    He got the message and leaned forward. His dick sank into her about halfway without much friction. His eyes went wide at the sensation. "Oh wow..." He looked down at his erection slipping into her. "Wow."

    "There we go. Be gentle." Patting his tail, Fenneko sat back to watch. "Just relax, Retsuko. And say something if you're uncomfortable."

    "Oh! Alright…" The panda pressed herself back onto that stiff length. "Mmff."

    Haida watched her butt move back until her tail lay along his stomach, his dick vanishing fully into her. "Oh my gosh, wow."

    The vixen smirked at him constantly saying "wow," but was distracted from snarking by her panda pal closing a shaky hand around hers.

    "Oh, you guys, mmmm." Retsuko panted through a simper. "It feels..." Blushing and lashing her ringed tail with delight, she wiggled her hips against her boyfriend's. " good."

    Fenneko found herself speechless. Scooting up until she was kneeling in front of them, she watched with undisguised interest. She'd watched porn videos online plenty of times. Seeing people have sex in front of her came with a naughty thrill. She could hear every little lewd sound that a mic might not pick up. She could feel every little tremble of the panda's hand and feel both their panted breathing on her fur. She could even smell their arousal. But the real mind-blowing part was that these weren't random strangers online: they were her best friends. They wanted her here and she'd helped them feel good. That was pretty cool.

    Eyes closed, the hyena gripped his girlfriend's hips and pumped his dick in and out of her slowly, as if savoring the feeling of her wrapped around him. His shorter tail flicked up with delight at the new feelings. "Holy smokes."

    Fenneko noticed her female friend was laying face down and still wearing a bra. Even for someone with modest breasts, that could get uncomfortable when a big, hunky hyena was bouncing her against the bed. What kind of safety manager would let that happen? She leaned forward and unclasped the panda's bra. It fell to the sheets.

    With a cute little squeak at every thrust, Retsuko leaned forward and ended up nuzzled into her friend's lap. White whiskers dragged against those sand-colored thighs. A tiny chirp of contentment escaped her muzzle.

    The fennec chuckled, nervous. Watching people have sex was just being a perv. Resting your head on somebody's lap was definitely a boyfriend-girlfriend thing.

    Haida growled atop her, teeth bared as he thrust. "Nnff!" His fingers slipped into the fur of her hips as his scruffy stomach pressed her tail forward. His hips bumped hers with the muffled whomp of fur on fur.

    Still holding the fox's hand, the fluffier female looked up with dreamy fondness. With a cute chitter, she nuzzled deeper, until her nose was between the canid's thighs.

    Fenneko's tail puffed out like a bottle brush. Heat glowed in her ears as she found herself spreading her legs. Still kneeling, she leaned back to allow the panda access to her slit.

    Even as she was bumped forward by the horny hyena's efforts, Retsuko rubbed her cute little muzzle in closer. Her breath breezed through the thin fur of the fennec's crotch to warm the flesh beneath.

    The fox shuddered. Nobody had ever gone down on her before. What if she tasted weird? What if she somehow messed up their first time? Shouldn't it be about them? What if it made Haida jealous?

    The scruffy boyfriend in question finally noticed the scene unfolding before him. His muzzle, already agape, shared a smile of salacious approval with her.

    She found herself smiling back. Maybe he was okay with this after all.

    He leaned forward for a better view. His green eyes flicked over again and again to Fenneko as he humped twice as fast, rocking his girlfriend with every motion.

    The vixen's tail drummed on the bed in time. Yeah, he was definitely okay with this.

    At the increased speed, a muffled moan escaped the panda to vibrate against her crotch. The warm heat of her tongue traced along the fennec's outer lips once, twice, before she looked up with sweet, hazy affection. Her poofy tail fluffed back and forth against her boyfriend's chest as she awaited permission.

    Fenneko should have said something sexy, but managed only to pant in approval and settle a hand between those tufted white ears. Rocking her hips back, she guided her friend deeper between her thighs.

    Still bumped forward by Haida's steady rhythm, her little black nose smushed into the fennec's wet folds over and over. Her whiskers brushed along the vixen's inner thighs. She timed her licks to slip into the tan female's slit as she was jostled forward, her pink tongue teasing sensitive pink flesh.

    The fox leaned back on one hand, keeping the other atop the panda's head. This was actually happening. Her brain could hardly process this new reality where adorable pandas went down on her while their boyfriends looked on.

    Small, happy moans emanated from the panda as Haida thrust into her, white muzzle fur mussed with a trace of fennec juices. She licked somewhat at random, but given that this was her first time in two different ways, the fox couldn't hold it against her.

    With a sharp groan, Haida slammed into her one final time. He gripped her thighs to keep her close as he trembled, eyes closed. A growl escaped through set teeth, his ears flicked down in ecstasy.

    Jostled forward by the sudden motion, Retsuko's muzzle pressed to her friend's stomach. She gasped, lips shiny with saliva and passion. "Ooohhh! You guys, I can feel it."

    The fennec stroked her friend's ears. She felt a little turned-on herself. More than a little. "Y-yeah?"

    The red panda reddened with a blush and nodded in a shy nuzzle against the fox's tummy fluff. "He's...umm..." She squeaked with amazement, fumbling for words. "...twitching...inside me."

    The fennec's large ears swung straight up. Even in polite Retsuko-speak, that was super hot to hear. Her own vaginal muscles tensed as she imagined what that must feel like. Maybe she'd get to find out. That was a crazy thought.

    A fresh growl of climax echoed from the hyena. He ground his hips forward against his lover. Then he slumped forward, his chest rising and falling with each gasped breath.

    Now with their combined weight on her lap, Fenneko couldn't have moved if she wanted to. Whether she wanted to was more complicated. She felt like she was intruding. She felt like this was hilariously naughty. But she had to admit she also felt like she belonged. These two were always easy to get along with, but she'd never imagined they'd want her around like this. It was a deep, sincere sort of feeling and alarmingly sappy.

    Another sign of her descent into sentimentality: she had one hand cradling Retsuko's cheek ruff as the other stroked the upright ridge of fur that ran down the nape of Haida's neck.

    The panda nuzzled into her touch. Her happy sigh warmed the fennec's wrist. Smooth whiskers traced through her fur.

    A soft moan escaped the euphoric hyena, accompanied by a slick sound. "Wow..."

    Retsuko chirped and shifted. "Mmf."

    The vulpine safety manager stroked their pelts. "What?"

    The fluffier girl almost answered, then shut her short muzzle on whatever lewd thing she'd been about to say. She blushed so hard her eyes closed, then buried her face in her friend's lap. "He, umm, slipped out."

    Fenneko leaned to one side. His pink dick dangled down against his fuzzy balls, slicked with their combined fluids. And her own spit, she reminded herself. That dick had totally been in her mouth just a few minutes ago. In slow motion, his foreskin slid back over the head. A few drips fell onto the sheets. The love hotel staff would be used to that sort of laundry, but it still felt scandalous to watch in real time.

    Soft music played on. The pair leaned on the bed. He hugged her, his spotted rump in the air. She hugged his arms to her breasts.

    After a moment, she looked Haida over. For all her teasing, he was a hunky guy. He had a heroic jawline, even if the cowlick on his head made him look a little like an onion. He had a nice pattern of spots across his naked pelt. Retsuko was a lucky girl. She cupped Haida's muzzle.

    The hyena gave her a dreamy look. "Wha?"

    She inclined her head up toward the mattress. It would be a shame if they both tumbled to the floor after such a successful evening. That would reflect poorly on her as a safety manager.

    With a slight groan, he disentangled his lanky limbs from around Retsuko. He climbed onto the bed and together they dragged the snoozing panda up between them. As he sorted out the duvet and pulled it over them, the reddish female snuggled up to Fenneko, tucking her head under that pointy vulpine muzzle and her tail around her hip. No escape now. Haida scooted up behind her and pulled them both into a hug.

    While Fenneko smirked at the idea that his messy crotch was pressed to the poor innocent panda's rump, she felt a hand settle onto her own butt in a very non-platonic sort of way. She looked up to see her tall co-worker smile in hazy contentment, with perhaps a hint of cockiness. On a whim, she angled her muzzle up and bumped his chin, lingering to savor the scruffy softness of his pelt.

    As the music played softly on, her two friends lay with her on the bed. Just as she thought they had both passed out, Retsuko nuzzled up to deliver a light kiss to her lips. Fenneko's ears popped up against the pillow. For a moment, they gazed into each other's eyes, the panda giving her a tiny smile as she dipped her head shyly, before cuddling close again, her muzzle tucked against the fox's collarbone. Left as the only one awake in the room, the fennec had no one to tease to distract herself from just how she'd gotten into this situation and why it felt so right.